
I am a wabbit with a blog. My friends call me bunny because I’m cute, not because I have protruding front teeth. Honestly, I don’t.

Oh, and I write poetry too.

18 thoughts on “BunnyTheWabbit

  1. Xehra says:

    That’s cute, bunny =P
    Oh and the theme looks good πŸ™‚

  2. willowdot21 says:

    Hello Bunny keep writing!

  3. willowdot21 says:

    Hello Just wanted to wish you a great weekend ..i will keep reading!

  4. willowdot21 says:

    Hello your blog is an inspiration and thought provoking . in this twisted blogosphere. your endless talent for working and shaping words in to creations of beauty is profound. therefore I nominate you for the Versatile Blogger Award. πŸ™‚
    Be well, be happy and Power to your pen. xx

  5. NooRehman says:

    Bunny the Wabbit?
    Wow… didnt see this coming from my uptight CR
    Awesome blog princess =)

  6. Seriously? It’s always made sense to others. And NO, they don’t just say it to be nice =P

  7. I enjoy reading your blog, it’s very well written!
    Thanks for following mine!

  8. Epiphany Art says:

    Hey :). I nominated you for the β€œSeven β€œX” Seven Link Award”.
    Check this out for more information:


    Happy Christmas and enjoy holidays =D.

  9. I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger award, check mine for specifics, have a wonderful christmas!!

  10. Epiphany Art says:

    Hey πŸ™‚ , i nominated you for the versatile blogger award πŸ™‚
    Check this out for more information:


    Happy Holidays :).

  11. My friends call me bunny because I’m cute.
    Correction: Your friends call you bunny because you have floppy ears and long teeth and that is what makes you.. em, cute πŸ˜›

  12. ClownPonders says:

    Just letting you know theres a new poetry challenge up on my page so feel free to take part again πŸ™‚

  13. willowdot21 says:

    I have nominated you for Reader Appreciation Award check here for details http://willowdot21.wordpress.com/2012/06/04/thank-you-4/

  14. Lovely name Bunny!!!!
    Following you honey
