Bury Me

And so tonight I’ll bury myself

If you don’t bury me.

I need to feel the dirt between my fingers,

Lodged between my tiny toes.

Bury me and then build

A sandcastle above my heart.

Trap a princess in the highest tower

And then set her free

Like the white pigeons that flap away from your rooftop.

Draw an arrow across my legs

Rooting me to the spot

So that even the ocean won’t dislodge me.

And sit beside me,

A hand over where mine rests

And sing to me in tune with the wind’s moans

And smile at the sun that will never hit me again.


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7 thoughts on “Bury Me

  1. NooRehman says:

    Did he bring home dead birds again?

  2. Hey,you just got another reader,not a good reader though,good day; )

  3. Nicole says:

    When I read this line, “Like the white pigeons that flap away from your rooftop,” I could hear the wings of the pigeons as they flew away.

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